Views of Horoscope

Horoscope is not meant to limit what can happen, but to help us understand what has happened and prepare for what will happen.

There are two extreme views of horoscope. One, held by some of those who frequent horoscope sites, is that fates are decided by horoscope and that decisions should be made based on horoscope.

In fact, horoscope has great influence on your personality. But your personality is not the only factor that decides your fate. You can overcome the shortcomings in your personality with your will power. If you do everything the way you feel like doing, you will be limited by your personality and your fate will indeed be decided by horoscope. But if you learn from others or you are pushed by yourself or other people, things can happen differently to you. Horoscope is just one factor in our life that we should examine. It is not the only factor.

The other extreme view of horoscope is held by many Christians who dismiss horoscope all together. As a result, they make the exact mistakes that are predicted by horoscope. This is because they do not learn from horoscope about the weaknesses in their personalities. They let their fates be limited by the weaknesses in their personalities. In other words, they let their fates be decided by horoscope.

To sum up, we should study horoscope to avoid making the kind of mistakes that can be predicted by horoscope, but should not make decisions based on horoscope.

About astrologyashok

Dr. Ashok Kumar is a representative of traditional part of Indian Astrology, Occult sciences and other mystic sciences. I have command authority on. SPIRITUAL COUNSELLING VEDIC ASTROLOGY. WESTERN ASTROLOGY. INDIAN VEDIC NUMEROLOGY. MANTRA HEALING. NATUROPATHY HEALING YOGA HEALING AURA READING. REIKI HEALING & TEACHING. MEDITATION HEALING. SPIRITUAL HEALING / Consultancy. VASTU SHASTRA (ANCIENT INDIAN ARCHITECTURE). Dr. Ashok Kumar examines your business and career which venture and investment decisions to consider, all these concerns and sound recommendation by an expert. Your marriage and love horoscope shall be evaluated astrologically. Vastu advices by Dr. Ashok Kumar is undoubtedly provides peace of mind to people. People who are suffering from property loss, health, debts, misunderstandings, family tension and frustration get perfect suggestions. People who suffer from negative attitude and nuisance…the final and vital answer is Vastu. People who go after Vastu get their required aims and desired joy.

Posted on October 14, 2010, in ASTROLOGY FOR PERFECT HEALTH, Horoscope, Love Horoscope and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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